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Open Water Swimming for Every Body

Helping you improve your confidence and your technique in the sea in Bournemouth and Poole

Swim Coaching for Every Body

Symbol showing a solo swimmer

New to Open Water

These group or individual sessions are for people who can swim 200m in the pool or are regular dippers/breaststrokers who want to learn the basics of front crawl.


We discuss the safety aspects of swimming in open water, how tides and weather affect your swim and how to build your time and confidence in the water.

We take images of your stroke and send feedback so you can build your skills in between each session.

Symbol showing two swimmers

Confident Swimmer

As a swimmer you are confident in the pool and sea but want to improve your technique.  You may want to improve your breaststroke glide or work on your front crawl breathing to maximise your efficiency in the water without exhausting yourself.

With the use of videos of your stroke we build your knowledge and skills so that you can swim faster without wasting energy.

These lessons can teach you to swim front crawl effortlessly and be able to swim effectively in waves, chop and calm.

Symbol showing an event swimming buoy

Event Swimmer

These sessions are for individuals and groups who want to master events.

We will work on front crawl efficiency, how to sight effectively, how to get around a buoy without stress and how to deal with different conditions.

Video feedback helps event swimmers get the best out of their swim.

Swim your Swim
Instagram @foundinthewaves

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